the Australian Vascular Biology Society
the Australian Vascular Biology Societythe Australian Vascular Biology Societythe Australian Vascular Biology Society
AVBS is the peak body bringing together Australia's leading scientists working on blood vessels, circulating cells and diseases of the vasculature. Every year at our Annual Scientific Meeting we disseminate and discuss cutting-edge fundamental and applied vascular research performed by Australian researchers.
We welcome new members at all career levels including students, post-doctoral researchers and lab heads. We offer a range of awards and benefits particularly focused on promoting early career investigators.
The Australian Vascular Biology Society is an organization active throughout Australia and New Zealand which aims to foster research communication by scientists and clinicians from a broad range of disciplines but with a unifying interest in biology of the cardiovascular system.
The Society holds annual scientific meetings and members contribute to a series of international vascular biology meetings as part of a group of similar organizations in Europe, Japan and North America. Students are encouraged to join the Society and attend meetings where there are attractive prizes for student presentations.
The main areas of interest include atherosclerosis, inflammation, thrombosis, angiogenesis, endothelial function, hypertension and diabetes. Members receive newsletters with current items of vascular biology interest, including notification of national and international vascular biology meetings, and are also eligible for Society-sponsored travel grants to these meetings.
The 2025 Annual symposium is a joint meeting with the Australian and New Zealand Society for Microcirculation, to be held in beautiful Queenstown, NZ
AVBS is hosting the 2026 International Vascular Biology Meeting, on September 6-10, at the Adelaide Convention Centre.