The Atherothrombosis and Vascular Biology laboratory, headed by Professor Karlheinz Peter, is a multifaceted lab that pursues a diverse range of projects with the common focus on improving diagnosis and therapy for patients with thrombotic and inflammatory diseases such as myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. A range of biotechnological methods are used, including recombinant protein design/production, generation of functionalised nanoparticles/ liposomes/microbubbles, cell culture, flow cytometry, microfluidic flow chamber, intravital microscopy, molecular imaging using MRI, PET, ultrasound, FLECT, IVIS, and various animal models of thrombosis, atherosclerosis and inflammation. All of these projects have a strong translational focus, which is facilitated by several laboratory members (physicians/cardiologists) treating patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Work in this laboratory is particularly suitable for students/post docs who are interested in the development of advanced biotechnological tools for molecular imaging and novel therapeutics (e.g. regenerative stem cell therapy and microRNA for plaque stabilisation). The translational direction of the laboratory and the inclusion of patients in studies, such as the identification of vulnerable, rupture-prone atherosclerotic plaques, is highly attractive for physician scientists.
Scientific Staff
Dr Sara Baratchi, Dr Laura Bienvenu, Dr Yung-Chih (Ben) Chen , Dr Hamid Hosseini, Dr Nay Min Htun, Ms Ana Maluenda, Dr James McFadyen, Dr Jath Palasubramaniam, Dr Xiaowei Wang, Dr Melanie Ziegler